We received certification as a company that will weave the next 1,000 years.
On Thursday, January 17, 2024, Sugitec was recognized as a "Certified Company that Spins the Next 1000 Years (Social and Community Contribution Category)" at the 2023 Kyoto City Shining Regional Company Awards and the "Certified Company that Spins the Next 1000 Years" Awards and Certification Ceremony held at the Kyoto Sangyo Kaikan Hall. In addition, our efforts toward the SDGs were also recognized.

What is the certification of a company that will weave the next 1000 years?
The Kyoto City Social Innovation Cluster Initiative was originally established as a center for promoting the "Kyoto City Social Innovation Cluster Initiative," which aims to spread values that differ from excessive efficiency and competitive principles not only in Japan but also throughout the world, through the challenge of solving social issues in Kyoto by a wide variety of organizations and individuals, including citizens, companies, NPOs, and universities. The Kyoto City Social Innovation Institute (SILK), established in April 2015, conducts the screening process and certifies companies as "Companies that will weave the next 1,000 years".
To date, seven screening sessions have been held. We have encouraged 34 certified companies that contribute to solving social issues to play an active role as flag-bearers of social innovation in Kyoto.
The "Social and Community Contribution Category," in which we have been certified, was established in 2023 as a new category in the "Corporate Social Innovation Program for the Next 1,000 Years" to support companies that work to solve social issues and promote the SDGs through their daily business activities, and to expand the base of social innovation, amid growing momentum toward achieving the SDGs throughout society. This award was given in the first phase of the "Recognition of Companies That Will Spin the Millennium" program, which was newly established in fiscal 2023 to support companies that address social issues and promote the SDGs through their daily business activities, etc.
Role of "a company that will weave the next 1,000 years"
The perspectives of "connoisseur," "artisan," "master," "try," "hospitality," and "conclude," which have been cultivated in Kyoto over time, are deeply rooted.
Our role is to realize the future goals of corporate organizations together with various cooperative partners through innovative methods to solve social issues and "Shiko-yoshi" management that also looks to the future.
And as a corporate organization, it is a strong support that Kyoto City, together with its supporting partners, supports the growth and development of companies toward the future they are aiming for and declares that it will "encourage companies to shape a sustainable society that will last for 1000 years to come.
The city government and corporate management share the common philosophy of creating such a social infrastructure where social enterprises, organizations, and interested people come together, become self-reliant, and carry each other forward from a long-term perspective.
Role of Sugitec
We at Sugitec have a mission to contribute to the longevity of buildings and environmental preservation by ensuring safety and reliability through building diagnosis. We will continue to take on challenges as a building doctor, making full use of the latest services that take into account future life cycles, and will continue to do what we can for a sustainable society.